The Top 10 Laser Hair Removal Spots for the 20-Something Female

By Alyssa McHugh, AmSpa

Laser hair removal is becoming a natural beauty-regimen within the millennial generation. 

Unfamiliar with this up and coming treatment? Laser hair removal is defined as a non-invasive technique that uses highly concentrated light to penetrate hair follicles, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS). The intense heat of the laser damages the hair follicle to inhibit future hair growth. In other words, the treated area will have thinner hair with less growth.

From personal experience, laser hair removal has left treated hair follicles growing back twice as slow, finer, and in small patches. Treatment was a normality in my household growing up and was convenient for my cultural genes of dark brown hair and multi-cultural ethnicity (if you have light hair, laser hair removal may not be for you). I was curious, however, why other females consider getting laser hair removal done and which areas are the most popular for treatment. Through means of a short survey, I looked at the demographics of those who have considered getting laser hair removal or know someone who has gotten it before to best determine who is likely to get treatment done in the future and what it means for the medical spa industry as a whole.

The Survey 

The first set of questions asked readers for their age, education, and relationship status. With the majority of those interested in laser hair removal being between the ages of 17-24 and actively dating or in a new relationship, the trend of treatment becoming a normal consideration for those categorized in the millennial generation was supported. The top age group of 21-24 reveals a higher desire to groom in those who are just about done with or have completed a 4-year college degree and are actively looking for a long term relationship or spouse.


The age group of 21-24 dominated at a grand 52.94% out of the total number of surveys taken. Following was 17-20 at 17.65%, 30+ at 17.65%, and 25-29 at 11.76%. 


Those that have graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree held the most interest in laser hair removal treatment at 52.94%. Those who selected Some College came in a close second at 29.41% with Master's Degree at 17.65%. 

Relationship Status 

Readers had the option to claim their relationship status as Single (Not Dating), Single (Dating), In a Relationship for 0-2 years, In a Relationship for 3+ years, Married, or Other. Single and Dating was the most clicked choice at 47.06%. Those In a Relationship for 0-2 years stood at a 23.53%, In a Relationship for 3+ and Single (Not Dating) tied at 11.76%, and Married ranked last at 5.88%. 

When asked if they or someone they know has gotten laser hair removal treatment before, 82.35% said they knew of someone who had.  Only 23.53%, however, said they had received treatment themselves. Out of those that had received treatments, majority came back more than once to get a different area done.

Why get laser hair removal? Is it worth it?

According to the survey, 82.35% of readers marked that laser hair removal is first and foremost considered for the convenience of grooming. With each treatment leaving less and less hair follicle visible on the skin, the amount of time spent shaving can be cut down immensely. Standing at a close second of 76.47%, females also considered laser hair removal for the appeal of appearance. Other top choices included culture normality and encouragement from a significant other.

Is it expensive?

Laser hair removal packages can range anywhere from $200-$1,000+, sometimes costing an arm and a leg. Because of this, price is the top concern for people considering getting treatment done. Majority of survey takers said that they would be willing to spend between $100-$900 for packages of 3-6 treatments on an area if they were certain that the outcome was worth the price and would not harm the skin.

Fun tip: if you keep an eye on local medical spa newsletters and social media accounts, there are many seasonal sales that offer great discounts on laser hair removal packages! You can view price estimates for laser hair removal and other popular medical spa procedures in AmSpa's new consumer section, here.

What are the concerns?

Aside from price, the main worries for females considering laser hair removal is lack of end result, post-treatment side effects such as redness or soreness, and pain during treatment.

Top 10 Treatment Areas

There are over 20 common treatment areas on the female body to preform laser hair removal. Out of this list, readers choose their top 3 spots that they, themselves, would consider. According to the results, here are the top 10 treatment areas for females.

Laser hair removal popularity is increasing daily as the connivence and normality of treatment among the female generation becomes apparent in the media, our culture, and within close circles. What does this mean for the medical spa and medical aesthetics industry? Simple. Potential patients, the millennial generation of ages 17-24 specifically, are all buying an experience. They want to know what the outcome will be and are willing to pay big bucks if they believe the visit is worth their time and future success. With the majority of those interested also actively dating or in a relationship, there is a big market that medical spa businesses can target when advertising their services.

Will laser hair removal take over date-prep from waxing? Only time will tell as the booming medical spa industry continues to make waves!

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